WHPC is a software bundle representng a self-contained build and run environment for high performance sequential, multithreaded and MPI-aware numerical code on Microsoft Windows.

WHPC's primary purpose is to serve as a testbed for writing and debugging numeric code to be run later in a "real" HPC environment. However, it can also be used for light (or heavy) computations on a local notebook/desktop as well as for education purposes.

WHPC comes in 32 and 64 -bit flavors and consists of:

With WHPC building a basic MPI code is one liner

gcc mpi_example.c `pkg-config mpi --cflags --libs`

and running it is equally simple

mpiexec -np 2 a.exe

WHPC download page is here.

That’s all, folks. Happy number crunching!

Oleg A. Khlybov <fougas@mail.ru>